Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quiz #2

Crystal Ulrich
Quiz #2
World History Summer 2011
June 22, 2011

1.      What was the role of caste to give social structure in India’s civilization?
The caste system in India defined people by their social class into which they were born. It was a hierarchy that provided structure to help govern the people.  It allowed the rich to continue to exploit the poor, and a way of controlling migrating people.

There were four different levels, each associated with a color, a body part of a god and specific duties. Once born into a level, there was no way to move levels other that being reincarnated in the next life to a different level. One could not even marry someone of a different caste then themselves.

Buddhism became attractive to the people of India because it offered a different alternative. Ultimately, Hinduism prevailed, but had adjusted its beliefs to include being able to advance through the next life.

2.      Compare the lives of Jesus and Buddha
Jesus and Buddha represented many of the same beliefs although their upbringing was very different. Jesus was born into a poor family of laborers while Buddha was born into wealth. They both believed in living an honest and moral life, full of love and free from suffering. Jesus believed in one god while Buddha did not believe in a god but in the power of reaching nirvana through meditation. Buddha was present in the world for over 40 years and died of natural causes as an old man. Jesus however, was present for only four years and dies at the age of 33 from persecution.

3.      Give an example of a civilization that was in Africa during the Classical Era and list a couple of characteristics about it.
The Nubian civilization flourished on the Nile River. They traded and fought with the Egyptians but maintained their own culture and identity. They had flourishing cities with booming commodities and crafts such as masonry, pottery and weaved goods. They were also known for their use of metals to create weapons.

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