Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chapter 5 Questions and Answers

1.       Discuss the three ways China sought order after the Zhou Dynasty weakened and disorder arose.

·         One of the earliest civilizations, back to 2000 BCE
·         The Zhou Dynasty took power in 1122 BCE and had adopted the notion that the Mandate of Heaven had taken root and the normal and appropriate condition of China was one of political unity
·         When the Zhou Dynasty weakened, the “age of warring” came about (403 – 221 bce) and centuries of turmoil and disorder prompted Chinese to think about how to restore order and go back to a time of tranquility. From their answers, classical cultural traditions of Chinese civilizations emerged.
The Legalist Answer
o   The idea that disorder emerged from a lack of rules and laws
o   Moved to clearly spell out a system of rewards and punishment
o   Mostly a pessimistic point of view – people were stupid and short sighted
o   Only the state could act in terms of long-term interests
o   Promoted people with essential jobs like farmers and soldiers – essential functions
o   Artists, merchants, the rich and scholars were seen as useless
o   The Qin Dynasty drew from the legalist answer but it was short lived (221-206BCE)
o   No philosophers or rulers openly advocated the ideas
o   The Han and all following dynasties drew from Confucianism

The Confucian Answer
o   Confucius was born into money and ambitious
o   He thought he found the solution to disorder and sought political office but never gained it
o   His ideas was not based in rules in laws but in moral examples of living – the key to restoring harmony
o   He focused on the superior party of each relationship: husband to wife, father to son, ruler to subject, and believed if the superior party behaved with sincerity, benevolence and genuine concern, then the subjects would respond with deference and obedience
o   It had to happen in personal and political platforms = REN, the human-heartedness, benevolence, goodness and nobility of heart
o   He believed education would nurture these human virtues, as well as rituals
o   Focus on importance of education, earnest striving for moral improvement, and good government
o    Confucianism became the central educational system which prepared students to take political office
o   Generation after generation of males were steeped in Confucianism
o   Family life was important – ancestor veneration, visiting graves, offerings to the deceased
o   Ban Zhoa (45-116BCE) a woman writer – penned Lessons for Women
o   Be humble
o   Appear afraid
o   Be careful
o   Prepare meals
o   Cleanliness
o   Confucianism prepared women to better serve their husbands
o   Confucianism was not religious
o   It was concerned with relationships, worldly and practical

The Daoist Answer
o   Counter thinking to Confucianism – calling it artificial and useless
o   Daoism encouraged withdrawal into nature, encouraged spontaneous, individual and natural behavior
o   Focused on the realm of nature and mysterious unfolding patterns
o   The Dao – an elusive notion that refers to the way of nature, the underlying and unchanging principle that governs all natural phenomena.  All life comes from it. Called the Way.
o   Encouraged people to disengage from politics and social activism
o   The elite saw Daoism as complimenting Confucianism, not conflicting
o   Came to include magic and fortune telling unlike Confucianism
o   Meditation, breathing

2.       Discuss the similarities and differences of Jesus and Buddha. Consider their upbringings and teachings
·         Jesus - Born in a small town in a lower class family (500 years after Buddha)
·         Buddha - Born into wealth
·         Both were wisdom teachers, focus on love and compassion not wealth
·         Buddha taught Metta = loving kindness
·         Jesus – “love you neighbor” and love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you
·         Both called for transformation thru letting go, let go of suffering
·         Jesus born of Jewish tradition, intense relationship with one god and his miracles reflected that
·         Buddha did not believe in miracles but taught of ethical living and mindfulness to end suffering
·         Jesus had a social edge – speaking of the poor and oppressed, associating with lepers and prostitutes
·         Jesus was only public for 3 years vs 40 years of Buddha
·         Jesus executed because of his beliefs
·         Buddha was less threatening to political powers and died of natural causes

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